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                            Dining With The Bard

Greetings once again to all you lovers of good food and wine at reasonable prices. Be it at your local pub; bistro; curry house; traditional cafe; Chinese or the ever popular Italian pizzeria and restaurants. I love 'em all! So let me take you for a trip around some of those that have particularly appealed to my palate and will leave enough change in your pocket for bus fare home.

Our recent visit to Verde's restaurant in Eccleston attracted quite a lot of attention. We received a number of reports from people who had visited for the first time - thanks to our review - and we're happy to report that most of them were favourable.

Our gastronomic visit this time takes us to a rural restaurant in the heart of an idyllic Lancashire village. So where is it we hear you asking? Well, just read on and you will surely find out for yourself.

                      The Inn by the Church!









There is what one would describe as an idyllic English village within a couple of miles or so from Bamber Bridge. You may well ask what constitutes a typical English village? A cluster of thatched cottages around the village green, duck ponds, cobbled marketplaces, picturesque inns and an ancient church all steeped in history. Well, the village in question may not contain all these features but what it can pride itself on is its ancient church and inn. So where then is this idyllic slice of rural Lancashire? Why it’s the lovely little village of Brindle that straddles the B5256 also known as Sandy Lane.                                                                    Of course, the church is very interesting and well worth a closer look but this review is intended to satisfy the stomach rather than the soul and is all about the equally historic village inn, better known as the Cavendish Arms. Me and ‘She Who Must Be Fed’, first visited the Cavendish Arms many years ago when it was just your typical rural pub. It was the perfect watering hole for the many walks we often made in the Brindle area. However, a chat with a fellow gourmet friend made us realize that we were perhaps missing out on a special dining experience within a ten-minute drive from our home.                                                                So, on a pleasant Wednesday evening in early Spring, we made the short journey along Sandy Lane to Brindle village and the Cavendish Arms. Now on a Wednesday evening we calculated that the venue would not be over busy. Imagine our surprise on arrival to find the extensive parking area almost full. ‘Looks like there’s something special on,’ I remarked to SWMBF as we made our way into the restaurant. Little did we know at the time that every Wednesday was the special offer night when 2 fillet steaks with all the trimmings, plus a bottle of wine was available for £45 – A truly remarkable offer in the current economic climate and although the extensive menu held many more culinary delights, we decided that the steak offer was just to tempting to resist. It is most gratifying to report that we were not disappointed.           The one thing guaranteed to enhance any meal is to be served by pleasant and knowledgeable staff and here again the Cavendish did not disappoint. We were greeted by mine host, Barney Leyland, who has been the co-owner of the Marston’s hostelry for the past ten years and well looked after by Ann and the rest of the ever smiling and helpful staff, who treated us as though we were regular diners - And who knows, after this most satisfying experience then we probably will be.                                                                                               We were seated in the orangery, an extension to the premises that was added during the covid crisis – and very stylish and comfortable it turned out to be. This addition was followed by upgrading the older part of the restaurant into a modern, warm seating area.                    As typifies a rural hostelry, a man (and a woman) accompanied by their dog are also catered for in a snug little room set apart from the main dining areas. There is also a congenial bar area for those who do not wish to dine but have just popped in for a refreshing drink.        The overall effect, where the new and the old have blended very well, has rather added to the charm of this ancient hostelry and certainly made our dining experience one that we will never forget.                                                                                                                                     So, would our recent visit to the Cavendish Arms be repeated soon? Well, I can assure you that it’s an absolute certainty. There are lots more I could say about the Cavendish Arms. However, I couldn’t say it more eloquently than what appears on there own website. If you are contemplating a visit then I recommend that you take a peep at the website on  Here you will get to see the extensive menus, learn more about this delightful hostelry, accompanied by a collection of stunning photographic scenes, plus all the information you will need to make a booking – And if you do then I can guarantee that you won’t be disappointed– and who knows, we might even see you there sometime!
If you enjoyed this review and would like to read more of the same and lots of other local news and views, then don’t forget to visit us again in the future on
                             And remember - You can't beat a good meal out!


                                                    Mine host Barney along with Sophie, Andrea, Lucy and Libby







                There’s a story behind these windows                                                                 The delightful orangery

                                  Lucy's Coffee Shop

Forget Costa, Nero's and and other such venues when you visit Southport. If you appreciate a really good cup of coffee then look no further than 'Lucy's, a homely little cafe in Anchor Street. Whether it be cappuccino, latte, espresso or just a plain and simple old-fashioned cup of coffee, you will find none better than what you will receive here - Oh! I nearly forgot, the food is pretty good as well - Maybe we'll see you in there sometime? - You won't be disappointed.


If you enjoyed these reviews and would like to read more of the same, then, as with the 'Short Breaks' article, please let the editor (hard taskmaster) know. If there are enough favourable responses then look out for future reviews in the BBB - And don't forget -

                                        You can't beat a good meal out