The History Page
This page is devoted to old photos/articles about Bamber Bridge and its people. In this edition we feature a rather hazy photo, submitted by Brenda Lang, of the town's special constables in 1915, two delightful photos submitted by Connie Hardacre of a procession through the town that dates from about 1900, an old water colour of St Mary's Church and an article and old photos of the Lemon House and the Lemon House Farm.
Are any of the names familiar? Can you spot your dad or grandad? If so then let us know and if there is a story to tell we will be happy to print it on this page.
Procession passing junction of Collins Road and Brownedge Lane
St Mary's Church and vicarage in Brownedge Lane. We wonder what year it was painted. Anyone any ideas?
Photograph of Lemon House taken in 1975
Hidden behind trees on the Walton Summit Industrial estate is a lovely old building that looks sadly out of place. Where once it was the designated estate house of a noble family and set among acres of lush farm land, it is today surrounded by a variety of rather ugly industrial units and owes its continuing existence to the fact that it now has grade II listing. However, after years as a working farm, it does not lie idle but acts as a base for a company that makes wooden pallets. A far cry from the milking of cows and shearing of sheep but good to know that the sounds of people engaged in meaningful tasks can still be heard.
So, what of the history of this fascinating building? It has obviously graced the Bamber Bridge skyline for a number of centuries but was certainly not the first building on the site. It appears that not very long after William The Conquerer did the dirty on poor Harold, that the land in question was given to Kandelan, son of Robert and it is thought that the family were judges or lawmen of the court baron of Walton. Much later it passed into the hands of Adam, son of 'Laghmon' and it does not take a genius to see how over the years this has became 'Lemon'.
Photograph of Lemon House Farm taken in the late 19th century
If you have any old photos or articles about Bamber Bridge or the immediate area then send them to us and we will be more than happy to publish them.