Events happening in Preston

There's lots happening in the City this month.

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The Preston pub with a 'posh' window - But where was it?

Many older Prestonians will surely remember seeing this beautiful art deco style stained glass window in a Preston pub that vanished from the town centre many years ago. We can imagine you all now scratching your heads and thinking, 'yes! I've seen it many times - but just where?'

Well we'll put you out of your misery - It was the centrepiece window in the lounge of the Theatre Hotel that was situated on the corner of Fishergate and Theatre Street. It was apparently an artistic impression of the interior of the old Theatre Royal before it became a cinema and later the ABC.

We wonder if this fantastic window was saved when the pub was demolished, and if so then where is it now? If any of our readers know of its fate then please let us know.


Free Willy!

For well over a century, one of Preston's best known stone-faced characters has gazed down on us from his lofty perch in Marsh Lane. For all those years, through wind, rain and occasional sunshine he has enjoyed his freedom but now finds himself behind bars, while all around him are growing scenes of destruction to disturb his peace,

So who is this rather sad looking gentleman with the faded blue face? It's a bust of William Caxton, who as every scholar knows was the father of English printing and inventor of the moveable printing press. You may well ask as to why he is positioned here? History informs us that Willy was affixed to these premises sometime during the late nineteenth century when the building operated as a printers shop. It later became the site of Kilner's glass and china warehouse and the bust was kept in position where it now sadly languishes and is certainly showing its age.

So what's all the fuss about? Well it appears that the building is destined to be demolished and it is possible that this historic and well-loved figure could end its days in a skip with the rest of the rubble unless something happens PDQ.

Our Hysterical (sorry, Historical) Correspondent here at the BBB has been in touch with both the local newspaper and the Harris Museum in an effort to find a patron with the ability and the funds to obtain the bust, have it refurbished and then resited in a prominent part of the town (sorry, city).

Through the power of 'Facebook', a number of sites have been suggested including the wall of the old Lancashire Evening Post premises on Fishergate, over Halewood's Bookshop (Temple of the Muses) in Friargate or perhaps even in the museum itself.

Whatever the outcome, we surely cannot allow such a memorable effigy to be consigned to the tip and are holding our breath in the hope that between them, the Lancashire Post and the Harris Museum have the will and foresight to FREE WILLY!


We have just learned that thanks to the investigatory prowess of Heather Crook, the author and producer of the Preston, Penwortham and Lostock Hall magazines, that the building where 'Our Willy' gazes down from his lofty perch is NOT to be demolished but rather refurbished in line with the construction of the 'Tramshed' student accommodation. She was also advised that the bust of WC will remain in situ, where he has dwelt for over a hundred years. It is hoped that he will also undergo a face-lift and paint job as he is certainly showing his age. Word has been sent to the architects and building contractors to this effect. So for now we can all breathe easy again.


At last some really positive news from a director in the Marcus Worthington Group. He assures the BBB  that in the next few weeks the bust will be removed from the wall and carefully stored until a decision is made as to where it should be re-sited. Your suggestions would be most welcome.
As previously mentioned ‘Our Willy’ would certainly benefit from a face-lift before his new home is found. We hope there will be enough support for a possible ‘fighting fund’ to carry out this work. The BBB have asked the local paper if they would act as intermediaries if such a fund is required.

Watch this space for further updates!

Who stole our Willy? After giving joy to generations of Preston folk from his lofty perch in Marsh Lane, It appears that the bust of William Caxton has been stolen.
We thought it had been taken down for restoration but now know that this is not the case. If anybody can shed any light on this situation then please let us know..
Perhaps the idiots who removed it thought it had some value - it hasn't, apart from the joy it gave to so many people who visited it.
If there is any compassion at all in the heart of the person or persons who removed it, then they will return it to the care of the property developers, Marcus Worthington.
The plan was to restore it to its former glory and resite in an area where it would give continuing joy to us all.


Substantial reward announced for any information that leads to the safe return of 'Our Willy'. All leads received will be treated with complete discretion.

100,000 mentioned but could be even more!

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