Bamber Bridge - Past Events
Thanks to historical research by the editor of the Penwortham Magazine, Heather Crook, we are able to publish some of the events that occurred in Bamber Bridge in bygone times. Printed below are extracts from newspapers going back as far as the 1790's.
Articles aboutBamber Bridge taken from old newspapers
BOY KILLED ON THE RAILWAY AT BAMBER BRIDGE- On Monday afternoon as the train which reaches Bamber Bridge on the East Lancashire Railway was approaching the station, fireman, John Smith, saw a boy on the line, about 60 or 70 yards in advance of the train. He immediately called out to the engine driver, who reversed the engine, and signalled the guard to put on the break. Before the train stopped he jumped off the engine and went back to look for the boy, when he found the body in the gutter quite dead, having apparently been struck by the buffer of the engine. An inquest was held on the body of the deceased, who was named John Baxendale, and was eleven years of age, at the house of John Seddon, Bamber Bridge, on Tuesday, before Mr Walker, deputy coroner, when a verdict of ‘Accidental death’ was returned. Preston Pilot. Preston Chronicle 8th December 1852.
INCREASE OF THE POLICE– At a meeting of the county magistrates acting for the Blackburn Lower Division, on Wednesday last, Mr Sheppard, the superintendent of the county constabulary force, presented a memorial from the inhabitants of Bamber Bridge, for an additional policeman for that district. It was unanimously resolved ‘That Captain Woodford be authorised to appoint an additional constable for the district of Bamber Bridge’. Preston Chronicle 11th December 1852
TEA PARTY AT BAMBER BRIDGE– A tea party and meeting was held at Bamber Bridge in the news and reading room recently opened at that place, on Saturday evening. After tea the meeting was edified by short addresses from Messrs Threlfall, Clitheroe, Bamford and other friends, who ardently and affectionately exhorted all present to become members. About 90 persons partook of tea. The meeting was delighted at intervals by suitable music, interspersed by songs by Mr Alfred Sim. The chair was occupied by Mr Anderton, the secretary of the society. The Blackburn Standard 19th January 1853
BOY DROWNED – On Wednesday, Ralph Holland, son of Joseph Holland, of Walton-le-Dale, was engaged in breaking holes in the sheet of ice upon the lodge of Mr Orrell, Bamber Bridge, for the purpose of catching fish, when that part upon which he was standing gave way, and he was immersed in the water. An hour elapsed before he was rescued, and then, of course, life was extinct. On Thursday, an inquest was holden before Mr Joseph Walker, deputy-coroner for the manor, and a verdict of ‘Accidental death’ returned. Preston Chronicle 26th February 1853
EXPOSING A GLANDERED HORSE– At the Town-hall, on Thursday, Mr Watson applied to the magistrates for a warrant for the apprehension of a man named Robert Walmsley, of Brindle, on a charge of having exposed a glandered horse for sale, among the horses at the ‘Great Saturday ‘ fair, in January last. It seems that Thomas Whitehead, of Bamber Bridge, bought the horse, (Walmsley acting as agent for the owner) for £5 19s 6d., and that Walmsley had since offered him £2, and on one occasion 7s 6d., for the animal, on the grounds that it was glandered. He did not know the horse was afflicted with the malady when he purchased it, but he had discovered the fact since. Walmsley was exposing the diseased horse for sale amongst other horses at the fair. The bench granted a summons against Walmsley. Preston Chronicle 5th March 1853 NB Glanders is an infectious disease that occurs primarily in horses, mules and donkeys. It can be contracted by other animals, such as dogs, cats, goats or humans. It is caused by infection with Burkholderia mellei, usually by ingestion of contaminated food or water.
THE CUCKOO – TO THE EDITOR OF THE PRESTON CHRONICLE– Sir, We were startled, alarmed, yet at the same time, oppressed with a sensation of delight altogether unaccountable. The circumstance was so unusual that we stood transfixed in mute surprise; and we well might – for the cuckoo’s monotonous yet welcome note, sounding clear and distinct in the still evening of the 20th March, at eight o clock, was such an occurrence as we had never before heard of. We had read of the cuckoo and swallow lying dormant during our winter at the bottom of some placid lake or in the hollow of a tree in some primeval forest, but deemed such accounts to have originated from some dull brain. Yet on Sunday evening last, we were returning from Withnell to Longton, and at eight o clock in the evening were passing the church at Bamber Bridge. The moon shone brightly, and an universal calmness reigned over the scene, when we were startled by the welcome note of the cuckoo. She was seated on the edge of a nursery of trees, and as we stood gazing and listening to the unusual sound, to assure us that it was no vain imagination of ours, she changed her position, and flew past us, singing as she flew, and alighted in a clump of trees at a short distance, singing all the while. Some of your readers, Mr Editor, may be perhaps kind enough to say whether this solitary bird is the advanced guard of the merry battalion of rangers or one hatched late last summer and unable to wing its flight to unknown regions, when its brethren took their departure from the verdant groves of merry England. If the latter be the case, how has it been protected and supported during the winter? But this, like some questions which have long eluded the inquiries and researches and puzzled the heads of philosophers, will, we fear, not be answered next week. Richard Moss, William Boscow, George Beardsworth. Longton, March 21st 1853. Preston Chronicle 26th March 1853.
PETTY SESSIONS, TUESDAY LAST – PHEASANT SHOOTING – Wm. Mills, keeper of RT Parker, Esq., MP, was charged with shooting a pheasant at Cuerden, on the 16th instant. George Marginson, of Bamber Bridge, deposed that he was in company with Thomas Prescott about quarter past seven on the evening of the 16th instant near Cuerden-hall lodge. The defendant was in the wood, and he saw him fire at a cock pheasant and kill it. He had seen the pheasant go to roost, and had been watching Mills about a quarter of an hour. He (witness) was fined for poaching about two years ago, on an information laid by Thomas Prescott. Peter Howarth was called for the defence. He said he was at the bridge about a quarter to seven o clock, but saw no one there. Soon after he heard a gun fired. He then saw Marginson and two other men on the bridge. They were swearing, and said that Mills had killed a cock pheasant. He never saw Mills at all himself. Fined 2s 6d and costs. Preston Chronicle 2nd April 1853
THE PRESTON STRIKE(From the Northern Daily Times) Preston, Friday night. A meeting of the operative weavers employed at the nine mills still at work, was held in the Temperance Hall last night. Mr Richard Ashton in the chair. There was a large attendance. The Chairman stated that the meeting was called for the purpose of exciting the sympathies of the operatives in employment, that they might contribute as much as they could spare for relief of those who were suffering through the effects of the strike. Mr Swinglehurst said, during his travels he had an opportunity of hearing the opinion of the public upon their struggle, and he could assure them that the sympathies of all classes that were not tainted with cotton were with them. He had had some conversation with Mr Ashworth, of Bamber Bridge, and that gentleman intended to give the ’10 per cent’ to the spinner and card hands, but not to the weavers. This would not alter the state of affairs, as the mill would have to be closed again, because the weavers would not consent again to resume work upon such terms. The great bone of contention amongst the masters was their union. If the operatives would consent to abandon the union and their leaders, they were told that the masters would open their mills. But the masters had called the union into existence by their tyranny; because in the commencement of the agitation it could not be called a combination. It was then the sympathies of the poor were called into operation by the justice of their request. But now it was a combination of the workers to obtain their right from their grasping and merciless employers. A Baptist minister, at Bacup, had expressed to him his entire concurrence in the views of the operatives, and had also said that ‘Sooner that he would submit to the arbitrary requests of the masters, he would suffer himself to be starved’. The hands were willing to resume work if the masters would let them, only they stipulated for the ’10 per cent’. The speaker, in conclusion, requested the hands to contribute as much as they could, and sat down amidst great cheering. Mr Oldham, who condemned the placard the master spinners had issued, remarking that there was want of truth in their statements, which was evident to those who understood the question. The hands at Bashall’s mill did not receive an advance of 1d. per cut: and as to Messrs Birley Brothers, if they would give the advance spoken about, the hands, he would undertake to say, would resume their work. But the union was the sore place; and let the masters talk as they may, and write as they may, the question was now, whether or not their union should perish? Some one in the crowd proposed a levy of 1s per loom next Saturday, which was carried, though not with any great show of enthusiasm, only about 150 hands being held up. The Chairman then said that the meeting was at an end, and the assemblage quietly retired. The Standard (London, England) 7th November 1853
Robbery from a School - Two youths, respectively named John Walsh and James Englishby, were accused, at the Town-hall, of stealing a shawl, for the Church of England School, at Bamber Bridge, on the previous Thursday. It appeared that the stolen article was left by a girl at the school on Thursday week, at noon, and missed on her return. It was afterwards traced to the possession of the prisoners, who were committed for trial.
Preston Chronicle 14th June 1851
Anniversary - The members of the Grand United Order of Oddfellows, Lodge 413 of the Preston District, held their fifth anniversary at Mr John Greenwood's, Queens Inn, Bamber Bridge, on Saturday last, when upwards of sixty members, with their wives and sweethearts, sat down to a substantial dinner, which did great credit to the culinary taste and skill of the host and hostess. On the removal of the cloth, P.N.F. Robert Walker was called to the chair, and P.N.F. John Whittle to the vice chair. The chairman addressed the meeting at some length, and said that it gave him great pleasure to inform them that the lodge was in a very prosperous state, with about seventy financial members on the books; and the outlay for the last twelve months had scarcely been a centage of the income. The chairman sat down amidst great applause. Health and prosperity to the lodge was then drunk with musical honours. A vote of thanks was given to P.N.F. Sparling and Brother Parsons, for the praiseworthy manner in which they had discharged their duties as secretaries of the lodge. The usual loyal toast were given, followed by 'The Committee of Management of the Order', which was drunk with musical honours. 'The Trade and Commerce of Bamber Bridge' was given from the chair, and 'The health of the Preston District Officers' by P.N.F. Richardson. Songs and recitations were given in rapid succession, affording great pleasure, especially to the fair sex. The party was enlivened by the merry dance, which was kept up to a late hour, when the company separated, being highly satisfied with the evening's entertainments.
Preston Chronicle 12th July 1851
East Lancashire Railway - Owing to the great inducements held out by this company, for parties availing themselves of cheap trips, the managers of various large establishments have been enabled to make arrangements for their workpeople visiting Liverpool and the neighbourhood. Amongst those who have already gone on cheap excursions are ...The workpeople of Mr W Eccles, of Bamber Bridge, departed yesterday for Liverpool.
Preston Chronicle 19th July 1851
Mysterious Robbery of £80 - Yesterday, at the East Lancashire Railway Station, Blackburn, a robbery of a rather mysterious character was effected. Mr W Eccles, jun., of Bamber Bridge, had procured from the bank of Messrs £80; £60 of which sum was in silver, and £20 in gold. The whole was put into a common canvass bag, which he carried to the station, intending to return to Bamber Bridge by the 10 15 am train. The young gentleman placed the bag on a chair in the first-class waiting-room, in which a lady was sitting, the wife of a respectable cotton-spinner in the neighbourhood, and took a walk along the platform. On returning to the waiting-room the bag was missing. The lady was still in the room, and she stated that a gentleman had come in, who had taken the bag, and walked into the water-closet, from which he had not returned. At the end of the closet is a window, which was open, and through which the thief must have escaped. Information of the robbery was conveyed to the police, and from the description given of the thief by the lady who was in the room at the time, hopes are entertained that the robber will speedily be brought to justice.
Preston Chronicle 29th November 1851
Bamber Bridge - On Wednesday evening last, a congregational tea-party took place in the school-room connected with St Saviours Church, Bamber Bridge. There was a very large attendance, the room being inconveniently crowded. After the repast, a number of appropriate addresses were delivered by the Rev. W Wignall and other speakers, and the proceedings were interspersed with singing and instrumental music.
Preston Chronicle 13th December 1851
Fire in a Cotton Mill in Bamber Bridge - On the morning of Thursday intelligence was brought to the police station that a fire had occurred at the factory of Mr W Eccles, Bamber Bridge. The 'Prince of Wales' engine was immediately dispatched to the spot, but when it arrived, there was no necessity for its services, as the flames had been extinguished. The disaster took place in the tape room, having been caused by some cotton which had been set on fire through a wood ventilator having been ignited by a gas-light. The damage done was only trifling.
Preston Chronicle 6th March 1852
Bamber Bridge Sunday School Anniversary and Tea Party - On Wednesday evening last, the friends and Sunday school scholars connected with St Saviour's church, Bamber Bridge, held their anniversary in the school room, the interior of which was most beautifully decorated with festoons of evergreens, tastefully interspersed with flowers. The company were very much enlivened by the music of the church choir, accompanied by the dulcet sounds of the piano. Several hundreds sat down to tea, including many friends from Preston. Amongst the company were the Rev. Mr Whitworth, of Manchester, Mr Whittaker and friends, Mr Richard Ashworth, Mr Wilding, Mr McAllister, Mr and Mrs Rodgett, of Cuerdale Hall, Mr and Mrs Holland, Mr and Mrs Veevers, Mrs Porter, Mr H Blackhurst, Mr and Mrs Lyon, and others from Preston. The Rev W Wignall was called to the chair, and most excellent addresses were delivered by the chairman, the Rev Mr Whitworth, Mr Ashworth, &c., and the advantages of the school, in such an increasing and populous neighbourhood, were duly pointed out. The meeting appeared to be unanimous in feeling that the time had come when every exertion should be made to spread abroad the pure religion of the Bible, and that the church was 'A fame more noble than the vestal trod, The christians' temple to the christians' God'
The singing, and the strains of sweet music with which the other part of the proceeding was blended, the appropriate nature of the addresses, and the good feeling which pervaded the whole, will not soon be forgotten by the large assembly who were present; and, indeed, the whole passed off with apparently unalloyed pleasure.
Preston Chronicle 27th November 1852
Boy Killed at Bamber Bridge - On Monday afternoon last, John Baxendale, aged eleven years, and son of Alexander Baxendale, of Bamber Bridge, was killed on the railway which passes through that village. The little fellow, it seemed, had wandered on the line, and was walking with his hands in his pockets towards Bamber Bridge, when John Seddon, fireman on the 4 45 pm train from Accrington, espied him in his perilous position, the lad being about sixty yards distant. The engine was reversed, and the engine man whistled to the guard to apply his break. On sped the instrument of death despite all exertion, and it would seem that the buffer struck the left temple of deceased's head, and killed him instantaneously, for, when taken up a few minutes afterwards life was extinct. On Tuesday, Mr Joseph Walker, deputy coroner for Sir H Bold Hoghton, conducted an inquest into the unfortunate occurrence. Verdict - 'Accidental Death'. Preston Chronicle 4th December 1852
Guardian Meeting– The Cholera ...Mr Walmsley said that in Club Street, Bamber Bridge, 300 cases of typhus fever had occurred in a very short time
18 August 1849
– Yesterday, and for a few days back, the rain, which has been very heavy, caused the Ribble to rise considerably – so much so, that the water overflowed the banks and flooded the adjoining fields. The arches, which are being constructed near Preston, through the valley, between the tram road and the North Union Railway, by Mr McCormick, for the East Lancashire branch line to Preston, also were surrounded by the water. The are for the most part, built of brick, several of which were almost completed, and considered perfectly safe, the
centres having been removed from several. About half-past one o clock yesterday afternoon, a tremendous noise, like thunder, caused all eyes to be cast towards the arches, when fourteen of them were in a complete state of ruin. Fortunately, only two men were on them at the time, the rain being so heavy as to prevent the hands working, one of whom jumped from the top, about thirty feet, and one got down the
ladder. Both escaped uninjured. No idea can be formed as to the amount of damage, but it will be considerable.
Liverpool Mercury 26th October 1849
Inquest - Man Drowned
– On Wednesday last, an inquest was held before Mr Walker, deputy coroner on view of the body of a man, named John Procter, who met
with his death, on the Wednesday night previous. It appeared, from the depositions, that deceased left the Hob Inn, Bamber Bridge,
at about half past ten o clock, on the night in question, partially intoxicated, and he was not heard of till Thursday last, when he was dragged out of a pit, close to the edge of Brownedge Road. His cap being taken out of the water, caused the search to made. The pit is close to the road
side, and one of the witnesses stated that the fence had been partly removed; thus a person even if sober might, on a dark night, fall into it, and it was not long ago that a person did fall into it during the night. Verdict – ‘Found drowned,’ no evidence appearing how the deceased got into the pit. The jury, through their foreman, expressed their opinion that it was requisite that the place in question should be presented, at the next Manorial Court, as being dangerous; and that the party, liable, should be called upon to fence it off securely.
Preston Chronicle 13 April 1850
Dreadful accident, on the East Lancashire Railway last night
- Yesterday evening, an accident, attended with the most awful results, occurred upon the East Lancashire Railway, between this town and Blackburn. From inquiries which we made at the North Union Station, and of passengers by the train from Blackburn, we learn the
following particulars:- The train which should have arrived here at five minutes to eight o clock last evening, left Blackburn at the usual time. Nothing occurred to impede the progress of the train till it reached nearly half way between the Hospital Inn and the Bamber Bridge
Station, when the engine slackened its speed, and the train shortly afterwards stopped. On the passengers getting out to ascertain the cause
of the stoppage, it was discovered that the engine had run against something on the line. Upon proceeding to the spot, the body of a man, horribly mutilated, was found lying stretched upon the line. The body was identified as that of a man named George Smith, a weaver, residing at a place called ‘Jack’s Green’ near Brindle. Beside the body lay a warp and a quantity of weft, which the deceased must have had with him at the time the accident occurred. The body of the unfortunate man was in a most awful condition. He was quite dead, and had both arms and both thighs broken. His brains lay scattered upon the line, one eye was completely torn from the socket, and his head was smashed into a mummy, his jaw-bone being also broken. The bone and a portion of the flesh of one of the poor fellow’s arms was protruding from the sleeve of his coat. From the position in which the various portions of the deceased’s body lay, it is supposed that he must have been lying asleep across one of the rails, with his arms folded and his head upon them. On some of the parties in the train making enquiries, it was ascertained that the deceased was seen a short time before the accident occurred. At that time he was far advanced in liquor. The driver of the engine states that just before the train ran against the deceased, he perceived something of a whitish colour upon the line, in front of the engine, which he imagined to be a sheet, and immediately afterwards the train ran against something. What the engine-driver observed was no doubt the warp and the weft which the poor fellow had with him, they body could not have been so easily perceived. After the fire-box caught the deceased, the body was dragged upwards of forty yards before the train could be stopped. No doubt death must have been instantaneous. On searching the pockets of the deceased’s clothes, half a sovereign and some silver were found in them, and a small amount of money wrapped up and directed to a Mr Sharples. He had a watch in his pocket, which was still going, notwithstanding that the glass had been broken in the shock. The body was removed from the line, and the train proceeded on its way, having been detained by the unfortunate event for about half an hour beyond its time.
The Preston Chronicle 15th June 1850
Depression in Trade In the villages of Walton, Bamber Bridge, Cuerden, &c, the factory people are to a great extent out of work. Messrs Bashall and Boardman’s mill is running as usual, but that of Mr Sleddon, at Lostock, Mr Bashall’s, Cuerden Green, and the two mills of Mr Eccles, are all standing. It is also reported that Mr Calvert’s, at Walton, will shortly close.
Preston Guardian 1st September 1847
Painless Surgical Operation By Chloroform The operation of reducing a case of abdominal hernia, and returning the protruding parts into their proper place, was performed the week by Mr Spencer, surgeon, of this town, upon a patient 72 years of age, at Bamber Bridge, under the influence of chloroform, the most recently discovered agent for producing insensibility to pain during surgical operations. A sponge, saturated with chloroform, having been applied to the patient’s nostrils, the operator soon became satisfied that he might proceed with his task, as, on the diseased part being pressed in a way which, under other circumstances, would have caused exquisite pain, not the slightest feeling evinced. The operations of making an incision, restoring the protruding bowel to its proper situation, securing it there, and dressing the wound, were completed without the patient having displayed any symptom of uneasiness. The operator then tapped his patient on the forehead; and, on his consciousness being restored, enquired how he felt, himself. The reply – evidently given in utter ignorance of what had been done – was, ‘much easier’. In further testimony to the ignorance, when asked if the operation should be proceeded with, he again expressed himself much easier, but said that Mr Spencer must be the judge as to the necessity of proceeding. The man’s astonishment, on finding that everything needful had been done, may be imagined. He is going on well. The writer of this hasty paragraph is unacquainted with surgery, but the preceding circumstances having come to his knowledge, he thinks they ought to be made public – believing that there are many instances where persons might be saved great suffering if they had confidence to allow the use of what would appear to be the means of preventing pain as safe as it is wonderful. A case so near home may tend to inspire confidence in the neighbourhood. The Preston Chronicle 11th December 1847
(Chloroform as an anaesthetic was first used in 1847 by the Scottish physician Sir James Young Simpson)
Caution To The Public To The Editor of the Preston Chronicle – Sir, It has this morning come to my knowledge, through Colonel Rawstorne, that a person calling himself Wilson is applying to benevolent individuals in the neighbourhood, for contributions to a subscription for the relief of the poor out of work at Bamber Bridge. Great as is the distress of the district, and thankful as I should be for any aid in behalf of my poor people, I beg, through you, to assure the charitably disposed that there is, nor has been, any subscription fund for the object stated; and that the person who calls himself Wilson, is, in my opinion, a gross imposter. Mr Townley Parker is kindly distributing, through me, soup to 150 poor families, three times a week; beyond this, nothing has been done, the depressed state of trade rendering any attempt to raise an adequate subscription hopeless. It would prevent much imposition if every one, previous to subscribing to an object or fund, brought before them by strangers, would follow the example of Colonel Rawstorne, by writing for information to the clergyman of the place. I am, sir, yours faithfully, WILLIAM WIGNALL, Bamber Bridge Parsonage, Dec 17th 1847.
On Wednesday, Thursday and yesterday, the inhabitants of Bamber Bridge were thrown into a state of great excitement, owing to the attempts of certain lawless persons residing in the neighbourhood, to resist the law. The particulars of the disturbances which we have been enabled to gather, at Bamber Bridge, and from the parties concerned, are as follows : Mr William Thom, of Scotland, some time ago bought a number of debts, owing by parties residing in Bamber Bridge and the neighbourhood to a travelling Scotchman. He applied for payment to the parties, and, on their refusal to settle their accounts, proceeded against them in the Preston County Court, before John Addison, Esq., Judge, and obtained an order for payment of the respective sums in each case. Two parties, named Marsden and Lancaster, residing in Club-street, Bamber Bridge, were among the debtors, to an amount, altogether, of £8, and against them an order was granted by the judge for payment, by instalments. The orders were issued some time ago, but as yet no portion of the debts have been paid. In consequence, distress warrants were issued against Marsden and Lancaster, both of whom are weavers.
On Wednesday last, Mr Rainford, bailiff of the county court, accompanied by four other bailiffs, proceeded to Bamber Bridge, to seize Marden’s and Lancaster’s goods. When they were approaching the houses, they suddenly found themselves surrounded by a number of men, well known as the most lawless set of vagabonds in this neighbourhood. On going a little further, they were met by a volley of stones, and other missiles were hurled from behind the hedges in their immediate vicinity. It appeared that the visit of the bailiffs had been expected and prepared for; for on advancing a little farther they could perceive all the houses shut up and the shutters closed.
Seeing how matters stood, Mr Rainford collected his men together, and endeavoured to beat a retreat towards Preston. As they were running away, they were pursued by the mob, by this time, numbered upwards of a hundred persons; and stones and sticks were sent after them. The whole of the bailiffs were more or less hurt by the stones, and Mr Rainford was bruised about the legs by kicks and &c,
The bailiffs made the best of their way to Preston, and immediately proceeded to the county constabulary office and represented the case there. Assistance was promised them for the following day, and Mr Rainford then set to work to collect his friends and others to accompany, him on Thursday.
On Thursday, a party of seven policemen under the superindence of PS Woodcock, of Walton, with twelve bailiffs, went to Bamber Bridge, by the half past one o clock train. Their arrival had been expected, and two immense heaps of stones were placed in the main street, and surrounded by from 200 to 300 men, collected together from the lowest parts of the neighbourhood. It was anticipated by the mob that the police and bailiffs would proceed down the street in which the stones were placed, to Marsden’s and Lancaster’s houses, but in this they were mistaken. Sergeant Woodcock, seeing the mob collected in the streets, took his men by another route to the back of the houses, and endeavoured to make an entry through the back yards.
The police had no sooner entered the yards that they were attacked by the mob, who had gone round the front way. Numbers rushed upon them and endeavoured to drive them out, but for some time the police beat them back with their staves. The mob were led on by Marsden, Lancaster, and several other men, who were stripped, and had ribbons fastened round their arms, and they were armed with sticks, bars of iron, and almost every weapon they could lay their hands on. One man rushed out of a house with a red hot poker in his hand, and made straight for the bailiffs, shouting out that he would run them through if they did not go back. He struck at one with a poker, and had not the man warded it off with his hand, he might have been seriously hurt. As it was, his hand was much injured.
A man named William Ireland, a bailiff, was surrounded by the mob and very much hurt. He was struck at with sticks and repeatedly knocked down, and at length one of the mob rushed at him and struck him with a heavy piece of wood. He immediately fell, and those of the mob near him ran away thinking him dead. For some time he lay motionless in the streets, until at length a woman went to him and lifted him up. She had no sooner done so, than one of the mob ran up and pushing her off, laid hold of the poor fellow and threw him upon his face on the ground, and the same time giving him a kick. The police then went to him and picked him up. He was insensible at the time and was taken to Mrs Hunt’s, a beer house adjoining, where he was attended by Mr Spencer, surgeon, of Preston, who happened to be passing at the time. He has since been taken home but still he is in a dangerous state. The bailiffs and police finding it impossible to stand out against the great numbers of the mob, retreated to the fields. They were followed for a short distance by the mob, but at length got to Preston, and reported the case at the County Constabulary office, at the same time applying for further assistance.
Yesterday afternoon, twenty policemen, accompanied by about twenty bailiffs and assistants, proceeded from Preston to Bamber Bridge, where they were joined by about twenty policemen from Blackburn. The county constabulary were armed with cutlasses, and the bailiffs with staves. On entering the village their was not a man to be seen who had taken part with the mob, and, consequently, the police proceeded unmolested to the houses occupied by Marsden and Lancaster. They found the doors locked, but the bailiffs having crowbars with them, effected an entrance, and the goods were then seized. It did not appear that any goods had been removed, though those seized were scarcely worth ten shillings. The police and bailiffs, after making a strict search for the ringleaders of the disturbances, and apprehending one, a man named Calvert, left the village, taking with them the goods that had been seized.
On arriving at Preston, the police received information from Mr Thom, that Lancaster, one of the parties against whom a distress warrant had been taken out, was at the Dog Inn, Church-street. They went there and apprehended him. Marsden, the other party whose goods were seized, is the brother to Richard Marsden, the Chartist. Great praise is due to Mr Rainford and Sergeant Woodcock, for the measures that were taken by them to carry out the law.
Preston Chronicle 9th September 1848
Police Cases – Infringements of the Factory Act – Mr Jones, the new inspector for Preston, appeared in support of a number of complaints against several manufacturers in this town and neighbourhood, for infringements of the Factory Act…… The next case, which was against Mr Eccles, of Bamber Bridge, was for employing a lad named Joseph Sumner, without having a surgeon’s certificate. Mr Haydock appeared for the defence. On the hearing of the case it appeared that Sumner had been working in another mill belonging to Mr Eccles, for which he had the necessary certificate, and on being put into the mill for which the information was laid, he had not obtained a new one. This, it appeared, was through the neglect of a young man, named Thomas Sparling, whose business was to have seen that all necessary regulations were attended to. The bench muleted Sparling in the lowest penalty, 40s. The next charge was also against Mr Eccles, for employing William Baines, on the 16th of March last, without having a certificate that he had attended school for the preceding week. The schoolmaster stated that the lad had attended the school, and he (the master) not knowing that he was working in a mill, had neglected to put him down in his book, and, therefore, the inadvertence in obtaining a certificate had arisen. The bench considered the case a very weak one, and advised Mr Jones to withdraw the information; but on the inspector refusing to do so, they fined Sparling in the penalty of 40s. The next information was against Mr Eccles, for employing a lad, named James Sharrock, without registering his employment. The lad, it appeared, had been examined by a surgeon, and Sparling admitted that he had neglected to register him. He was, therefore, again fined 40s. the last charge also against Mr Eccles, for employing William Baines, without registering his employment. This was the same lad as was heard in a preceding charge, and it appeared that the reason of his not being registered was, that he could not have been, without the certificate of his having gone to school being entered. The inspector pressed for penalty, and Sparling was muleted in the sum of 40s. Mr Haydock, in the course of the examination, observed that he had seen several inspectors, but had never seen one who pressed so hard for convictions, in such trifling cases, as Mr Jones. He thought, from the large salary paid to him, that it was intended that his duty should be more to point out to the manufacturers and mill owners the requirements of the Factory Act, and when they were found not to have complied with those requirements, to remonstrate with them, that to drag them before the bench by wholesale, for the purpose of enforcing penalties. In a large mill like Mr Eccles, it was not possible to have every little thing strictly complied with, and it was only surprising that the errors were not greater and more frequent. Mr Jones seemed to have gone among them as a firebrand, and Mr Haydock thought that, if her Majesty’s inspectors were to enforce every paltry case which came under their cognisance, it was desirable that there should be a change. The masters, however, would now know better who they had to deal with.
Preston Chronicle 4th April 1846
Brownedge and Bamber Bridge – The festive Whitsuntide was not forgotten at the village of Bamber Bridge, and the Catholic festivals at Brownedge – the annual treat being given to the numerous scholars, at which a pleasant evening was spent on Monday, by both teachers, scholars, and visitors.
Preston Chronicle 6th June 1846
Blackburn and Preston Railway – To the Editor of the Preston Chronicle, Sir, Only two trains for Preston stop at Bamber Bridge station – one in the morning and one at night. The traffic from this part would amply suffice for a stoppage by at least every other train, both ways. I thought as the first announcement was said to be a temporary arrangement, a speedy alteration would be made; but none as yet has been effected. Your insertion of this note may induce the desired change. Yours &c., A Traveller. Bamber Bridge July 9 1846
To be Let by Ticket – On Monday, August 10th, 1846, at Six o clock in the evening, on the premises, the well-accustomed Public-House, called the Hob or Black Horse, at Bamber Bridge, now in the occupation of Mr William Lucan; together with the Brewhouse, Stable, Shippon, Shade, and other conveniences, and an extensive Garden. The in-coming tenant must take the stock at valuation. For particulars apply to Thomas Bowling, 24 Avenham-road, Preston, on the premises.
Preston Chronicle 1st August 1846
Improvements and Extension of the Town - ….At Bamber Bridge a factory is being built for Messrs Ashworth and Spencer.
Preston Chronicle 19th September 1846
The Temperance Festival ………… Mr Sharlock, from Bamber Bridge, said he had been a teetotaller for fourteen years, and, was happy to say, there were no less than 400 members in and about his village, and he had helped to open a Rechabite tent, which numbered 20.
Preston Chronicle 7th November 1846
Bamber-Bridge – On Sunday morning last, the sum of £20 11s was collected, for the distressed Irish and Scotch, at St Saviour’s Church, Bamber-bridge, after a sermon by the Rev W Wignall, the incumbent.
Preston Chronicle 20th February 1847
Circus – During the whole of this week, Mr Pablo Fanque has continued to receive extensive support from the inhabitants of this town and neighbourhood. His pieces generally have given great satisfaction, and they have been played in a manner which shews that great improvement has taken place in his company since his last visit to Preston. On Thursday morning last, he gave a performance at Leyland to an overflowing house, and to the apparent satisfaction of the inhabitants of that village. This morning he performs at Bamber Bridge, and next week visits the towns of Kirkham, Poulton and Garstang, so that his performances here are limited to Monday, Tuesday and Saturday.
Preston Chronicle 5th June 1847
The failure of an extensive manufacturer in the neighbourhood of Preston, Mr William Eccles, of Bamber Bridge, is reported. His liabilities are stated at £80,000 – but three-fourths of this amount is said to be owing to family connections – and a Preston bank is also reported for a heavy creditor.
Caledonian Mercury 21st June 1847
Yesterday passed over quietly as far as respected our own neighbourhood, but in Chorley they were visited by an immense mob from Wigan and the neighbourhood, and as they had no military (nor indeed civil) force to oppose them with, they had complete possession of the town. They turned out all the hands, and levied contributions, which indeed the shopkeepers were glad to give them to get rid of them. Today a portion of the same mob made a circuit, visiting the mills, and turning out the hands in the district of country between this place and Chorley, intending to finish here. The magistrates had a consultation, and it was immediately determined to have a detachment of the 60th Rifles to command the entrances to the town, which could only be done by crossing the river; every bridge, therefore, had its defenders. After the mob had stopped various mills, they came to Mr W Eccles, of Bamber Bridge, and demanded the turn-out of the hands, but Mr E. being determined to resist them, he felled the first ruffian that came up, but the mob were too powerful for the party in the mill, broke the windows, and a quantity of machinery. Having done this, they came down to the village of Walton, where a party of the county police had been stationed with a detachment of the Rifles in reserve. On seeing the police the mob made a shout; they were all armed with bludgeons &c. The Riot Act was read; and as they would not listen to the suggestion of the magistrate (Col. Austen) the police drew their sabres, and dashed into them, and took 37 prisoners, whom they handed over to the Rifles as they captured them. There was then a general rout, the fellows throwing away their clubs and taking to their heels. There was a number of navigators amongst them that had been turned off their work on the Bolton and Preston Railway. The town is now quiet.
The Standard 18th August 1842
COAL YARD, AT BAMBER BRIDGE, TO LET, WITH IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, with excellent weighing machine, Stage, Office, Also, ON SALE, BY PRIVATE TREATY, 22 Canal Boats ahd 112 Railway Coal Waggons. Several of the boats are entirely new, and of excellent workmanship, and the remainder are in good working condition. Twenty are lying on the South Level of the Lancaster Canal, at
the Summit, and at Adlington, and two on the North Level at Preston. The Coal Waggons may be seen at the Coal Yard, at Bamber Bridge. Proposals in writing will be received by Mr Alexander Bannerman, South Cottage, Chorley, and of whom further particulars may be obtained.
Preston Chronicle 1st October 1842
PIGEON SHOOTING – A MATCH at PIGEONS will come off at the Greyhound Inn, Bamber Bridge, on Wednesday next, the 19th day of October, 1842. The match to consist of 10 members, 5s. each, five birds each. Distance 21 yards, Boundary 80 yards, charge of shot limited to one and a half oz. Shooting to commence at one o clock. Any persons desirous of entering for the above Sweepstakes, are requested to
send in their names as soon as possible. Preston Chronicle 15th October 1842
MARRAIGES – On Wednesday last, by Special License, at Bamber Bridge Church, near Preston, by the Rev. C Hulton, Wm. Henry Tatton, Esq., of Cheshire, to Harriet Susan, eldest daughter of Robert Towneley Parker, Esq., Cuerden Hall. The Preston Parish Church bells rang merry peals during the day till after 7 o clock at night, in honor of the event.
The Lancaster Gazette 28th January 1843
TO BE SOLD, BY AUCTION, By Mr George Parker, At the House of the late Mr John Brown, Innkeeper, Cuerden Hall Gates, near
Bamber Bridge, on Monday, the 20th day of March instant, at Twelve o clock at Noon. The whole of the valuable household furniture, the stock-in-trade of a Publican; and the farming stock. For Particulars, see Bills. For further information, apply on the Premises; or to the
Auctioneer, 6 Cannon-street, Preston.
Preston Chronicle 11th March 1843
FIRE – On Wednesday morning, between the hours of 10 and 11 o clock, a servant girl at Mr Wilson’s, the M’Kenzie Arms, Bamber Bridge, went into one of the bedrooms and discovered the bed, bed hangings, and linen, completely enveloped in
flames. An alarm was instantly raised, and by the timely assistance of some persons who were near, the fire was extinguished; but the bed and its furniture were entirely destroyed. The cause of the fire has not been ascertained.
The Preston Chronicle 30th March 1844
A YOUNG IMPOSTER – On Wednesday last, a young girl, fifteen years of age, of a remarkably fair complexion, and with hair approximating in colour almost to whiteness, who stated her name to be Angelina Richards, and her address Union-street, Lambeth Walks, London, was brought up before the magistrates at the Town Hall, charged with having obtained money under false pretences. It appeared that she had received several sums from persons in this town, by means of a document purporting to be signed by John Moss, of
Bamber Bridge, and certifying that John West, a native of Preston, had been in his service for a number of years as a wheelwright, but after a lingering illness died on the 29th of April last, leaving a widow and seven children reduced by the event from comfort to extreme indigence. It also represented Mrs West to be an industrious and sober person, and that at her request and several of her friends the statement of the case had been granted by Moss to enable her to purchase a patent mangle, copper wash tubs, &c., and that the bearer
was her eldest daughter soliciting contributions in her behalf. Angelina, in answer to the charge, alledged that the document had been given her by a woman at Bolton, and that she had only received money from persons residing in this town, although the names of other individuals were entered on her subscription list. The amount on the list was about £6. Mr Bannister stated to the magistrates that this mode of imposition was becoming part of a very extensive system, and pressed for the full term of imprisonment, three months. She was consequently committed to the House of Correction to hard labour for that space of time.
Preston Chronicle 22nd June 1844
Charge Against a Friendly Society – Richard Pimblow, president of the ‘Labourers’ Union Friendly Accidental and Burial Society’ was summoned for refusing to pay unto Arthur Fuller the weekly allowance of ten shillings, for relief due to the complainant. Mr James Blackhurst appeared for the complainant, and stated that Fuller was the unfortunate man who fell from the chimney of Mr Eccles’s mill, at
Bamber Bridge, and that the society refused to pay him the relief allowed by the rules. Mr Blackhurst called a witness, who proved that Fuller was a member of the society, and that his contributions had been paid. Mr WW Riley appeared for the defendant, and, from the evidence adduced, contended that the complainant was suspended, and not entitled to any relief; but the Mayor, after reading the rules, was of a different opinion, and ordered the amount claimed to be immediately paid, which order, we understand, had since been complied with.
The Preston Chronicle 2nd November 1844.
Bamber Bridge – On the forenoon of Christmas Day, the scholars belonging to the Wesleyan Sabbath school, at Bamber Bridge, were treated with a plentiful supply of coffee and currant bread; and, in the evening, the teachers and friends took tea together in the chapel, after which a public meeting was held, addressed by Messrs Heaton, Monk, and Mayor, of this town, and other friends from neighbouring villages. The chair was occupied by Mr John Waring, of Bamber Bridge.
Preston Chronicle 28th December 1844
On Tuesday last at St Saviours Church, Bamber Bridge, by the Rev W Wignall, incumbent, Mr Edward Gaskell, land surveyor, Cuerden, to Ellen, daughter of Mr Robert Walmsley, of Bamber Bridge. Same day and place, Mr William Walmsley, son of the said Mr Robert Walmsley, to Ann, only daughter of Mr James Haslam, of Accrington, formerly of this town.
Preston Chronicle 15th March 1845
Blackburn and Preston Railway Company – At a special General Meeting of the Shareholders, held at the Company’s Office, in Blackburn, 28th April, 1845. Robt. Hopwood, Jun, Esq., Chairman. The following Resolution was passed unanimously :- That the Directors be authorized to adopt the necessary measures to enable the Company to apply to Parliament in the next session, for power to make the proposed Branch from Bamber Bridge to the North Union Railway, and that the Directors be also authorized to make any arrangements in relation to the same, which they may think calculated to facilitate and secure the attainment of this object. Robt. Hopwood, Chairman. The thanks of the meeting were voted to the Chairman.
Blackburn Standard 30th April 1845
(Free From Auction Duty, now repealed) VALUABLE ESTATES, COAL MINES, BUILDING LAND, COTTAGES &C. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, by Mr Wren, (By order of the Devisces in Trust under the Will of the late Kenneth McKenzie, Esquire,) At the house of Mr Billington, the Bull Inn, Preston, on Tuesday, the 20th day of May next, at Five o clock in the Evening, for Six o clock precisely, in the
following or such other Lots as may be agreed upon at the time of sale, and subject to such conditions as will be then produced. Lot 2. All that commodious PUBLIC HOUSE and Premises, situate in Bamber Bridge, in Walton-le-Dale, in the said County of Lancaster, on the east side of the turnpike road leading from Preston to Chorley, known by the name of the ‘McKenzie Arms’ now in the occupation of Thomas Wilson, with 5A, 1R 30P of Meadow, Pasture and Garden Land. (Pasture Field on the South West side of the Canal Company’s Tram Road, together with the Weighing Machine and Coal Yard adjoining thereto. Lot 2 – All that Plot of Building Land, in Bamber Bridge
aforesaid, on the East side of the said road leading from Preston to Chorley, near to Mr Eccles’s factory, and adjoining, on the South, to Dwelling-Houses belonging to William Carter, and containing 1149 superficial square yards of Land or thereabouts. Lot 4 All that Farm House, Barn and Outbuildings, situate in Bamber Bridge aforesaid, on the West side of the said road leading from Preston to Chorley, with 14A1R 35P of meadow and pasture land, statute measure or thereabouts, now in the occupation of Thomas Kitchen. The particulars are as follows :- Farm House, Garden and Premises on a site containing Pasture Field on the North side of the line of the Blackburn and Preston Railway, Meadow on the South side of the said Railway, Meadow joining the above.. This land is likely to become very valuable as Building Land, being situated on the Line of the Blackburn and Preston Railway, and adjoining the Station at Bamber Bridge, and near to two large Factories. Lot 5 All those fifteen Cottages or Dwelling-houses, situate in Bamber Bridge aforesaid, opposite the McKenzie Arms, commonly called the ‘Seithy Row’, with the SMITHY, WHEELWRIGHTS’ SHOPS, and SAWPIT adjoining thereto, on a site containing in whole 1603 superficial square yards of Land, or thereabouts, and now in the respective occupations of John Moss and Thomas Clayton , and others. Lot 6 All those six Cottages or DWELLING-HOUSES, situate in Club-street, in Bamber Bridge aforesaid, and numbered 1, 10, 18, 28, 34 and 40 respectively, and now in the occupations of Thomas Moss, Peter Tyrer, and others. These Cottages are subject to a yearly Ground Rent of 15s 8d each.
Preston Chronicle 10th May 1845
Accident From Machinery – At the mill of W Eccles, Esq., Bamber Bridge, on Wednesday last, an accident occurred of a rather serious kind, to a boy named John Coates, aged eleven years, of Bamber Bridge. The accident took place while the spinner, for whom the young person was employed to put bobbins in, was putting up his wheels – the boy being at the time doing what is called ‘flaking’. He was much
hurt, his head being cut in a terrible manner. Mr Barnes, surgeon, of Leyland, immediately attended him, but he is still in a very bad state, and there is little hope of his recovery.
Preston Chronicle 11th October 1845
William Heaton, 31 (n) was charged with stealing, at Walton-le-Dale, on the 27th Sept, one comfortable, the property of Andrew Bamber. Mr Hulton prosecuted. The prisoner took it out of a beer house, in Walton-le-Dale, and it was found in his pocket, by the proscecutor and policeman, who pursued him to Bamber Bridge. Guilty. One months solitary confinement in the House of Correction, and during that time to be once severely whipped.
Preston Chronicle 18th October 1845
PETER HALLIWELL – was charged with stealing, on the 21st Jul, at Walton-le-Dale, eight shillings, the property of James Baxendale, from his person. The prosecutor stated that on the night he was robbed he was going towards Bamber Bridge, in a state of intoxication, when he was accosted by the prisoner and another man, who robbed him of his money. The examination of the witness excited considerable amusement in the court, on account of his excessive stupidity in misapprehending the questions which were put to him. The prisoner said he knew nothing about the robbery; but the jury, after a short consultation, found him guilty, and he was sentenced to six months imprisonment and hard labour in Lancaster Castle.
The Preston Chronicle 19th October 1839
TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION – For Ready Money. At Brindle Farm, Bamber Bridge, Walton-le-Dale, on Wednesday the 18th December, 1839, at one o clock in the afternoon, By R Duckett and Sons. THE FARMING STOCK, consisting of 5 well-bred Yorkshire spring-calving cows; 2 Calves, 1 capital Mare, suitable for general purposes; 1 Sow and 5 pigs; about a hundred yards of prime hay; 1 broad-wheeled Cart, with Iron arms; set of Harness, set of horse gears, 2 churns, and other usual farming and dairy utensils. Preston, December 13th, 1839.
Preston Chronicle 14th December 1839
BAMBER BRIDGE SCHOOLS – On Sunday last two sermons were preached by the Rev HW McGrath, Rector of St Ann’s Manchester – viz. in the morning at St Saviour’s, Bamber Bridge, and in the evening at the Church, Walton-le-Dale, and in the afternoon a sermon was preached at St Saviour’s by the Rev William Whitworth, AB, incumbent of Rawtenstall. The collections after the sermons (in behalf of the above schools) amounted to the very handsome sum of one hundred and eleven pounds. Surely this princely contribution may be regarded as a proud earnest that a National System of Education, conducted on the principles of the established Church, is one to which the people of England are determined to extend their decided preference by giving to it this truly Christian-minded degree of liberal support.
Preston Pilot & Manchester Courier 9th May 1840
DEATHS – on Wednesday last, aged 60, Mr William Tyrer, coal merchant, Bamber Bridge. He was much respected by all who knew him, and his death is lamented by his many friends. Preston Chronicle – 30th May, 1840
BAMBER BRIDGE HOUSE – Mrs Brakenrig, respectively informs her friends and the public that she has taken the New Crooke, near Chorley, to which she intends removing her establishment. It is a spacious and elegant Mansion, near Whittle Church, and most desirable for a seminary, as from its elevated situation it is considered remarkably salubrious. Mrs B presents her most grateful acknowledgements to her Friends, for the increased patronage with which she has been favoured during her residence at Bamber Bridge House, and will be happy to receive her pupils there on Wednesday, 29th instant. Mr Johnson, Professor of Music, and Mr Mercerot, Professor of Dancing, Calisthenics, &c., attend the School. Terms for Boarders, 25 guineas. Cards to be had at the Printers
Preston Chronicle 11th July 1840
APPREHENSION OF A CHARTIST DELEGATE – James Marsden, a weaver residing at Bamber Bridge, whom are readers may remember as the delegate elected to the National Convention by the Chartists of Preston, after eluding the grasp of justice for nearly a year, was apprehended at Bolton, last Thursday, by Mr Banister, the Superintendent of Police at Preston. It appears that since he has resided at Bolton, he has adopted the name of ‘John Sumner’ and may almost be said to have been a close prisoner, scarcely ever leaving his house, except for a brief period on a Sunday morning. We learn that his appearance is most squalidly wretched and that he observed on being taken into custody, that a prison presented nothing frightful or forbidding to him; within its walls he would be insured of a sufficiency of wholesome food, whilst for sometime past he had been unable to procure such a supply either for himself or his family. He was taken to Manchester the same evening, and on the following day removed to Bradford, at which place he delivered the seditious address with which he is charged.
The Blackburn Standard 22nd July 1840
DEATHS – On Tuesday last, Thomas, son of William Eccles, Esq., of Withy Grove, Bamber Bridge, aged 4 years.
Preston Chronicle 3rd October 1840
TO BE LET- and entered on the 12th day of May next, WITHY TREES COTTAGE, situate near Bamber Bridge, and three miles from Preston. It contains 2 Parlours, 2 Kitchens, and 4 Bed Rooms, together with an excellent Garden. The tenant, Mr Burton, will show the premises, and for further particulars apply to Mr Thomas Clayton, 64 Fishergate, Preston.
The Preston Chronicle 30th January 1841
PASSING CONTERFEIT COIN – On Monday, at the Town Hall, Elizabeth Prescot, Bamber Bridge, one of a notorious gang of smashers, was charged with uttering two counterfeit half-crowns, on Saturday night last, in Preston, one at the Horse Shoe public house, in Church-street, and the other at the Blue Bell in the same street. The uttering and identity of the prisoner were clearly sworn to in both cases, and the prisoner was remanded to the House of Correction, to await the orders of the Mint authorities. Preston Chronicle 1st May 1841
DEATHS – On the 27th ult., at Bamber Bridge, near Preston, aged 38 years, Mr Thomas Morrice Lyon, formerly distributor of stamps for Wigan.
The Manchester Times and Gazette 22nd May 1841
DEATHS – on the 9th inst., aged 40 years, Thomas Eccles Esq., of Myerscough Hall, and formerly of the firm Messrs T and W Eccles, of Bamber Bridge.
Manchester Courier 20th November 1841
DEATHS – on the 9th inst., in her 77th year, Agnes, relict of the late Mr Robert Noblett, Bamber Bridge, near Preston. Manchester Times 12th February 1842
MARRIAGES – On Thursday last, at St Saviour’s Church, at Bamber Bridge, William Stockley Esq., solicitor, of Liverpool, to Mrs Wrigley, of Bamber-bridge House. Preston Chronicle 9th April 1842
FOOT RACE - A foot race, of 200 yards, was run near Bamber Bridge on Monday last, between George Eastham, the Flying Clogger, of Preston, and Richard Walmsley, of Whittle, for £20 a side. After three false starts, the race, which was a closely contested one, was won by the Clogger by about a yard.
ASSAULT ON A RURAL POLICEMAN – On Tuesday last, at the Town-hall, a young man, named Thomas Briggs, was fined £5, and in default of payment committed to the House of Correction for a month, for assaulting a constable named Shields. The constable had gone to Bamber Bridge, on the occasion of a foot race, to order the crowd away. After the race was over, so late as ten o clock at night indeed, a crowd assembled round Shields’s door and assaulted him, and threw stones and broke his window. A stone thrown by the prisoner, struck Shields on the head.
Preston Chronicle 2nd July 1842
PRESTON SPINNERS TURN OUT – On Monday morning, another mill, belonging to Mr Dawson, in Watery Lane, was opened to the work-people, without the conditions stipulated by their masters. This makes the third concern which has agreed to the Operative Spinners demands, viz: Messrs Barkers in Leeming-street, Messrs Cranshaw and Smith, Moor-lane, and the above mentioned. Messrs Bashalls, of Bamber Bridge, have also agreed to the terms of the Unionists.
The Blackburn Standard 1st February 1837
TO BE LET – WITH IMMEDIATE POSSESSION – All that substantial and commodious INN, or PUBLIC HOUSE, known by the name of ‘McKenzies Arms’ situate at Bamber Bridge, with newly erected Brew-house, three-stalled stable, and lock-up Coach House, together with an extensive Orchard well stocked with choice fruit trees. Tenders will be received at Mr McKenzies office, Preston, also at his office, Bamber Bridge, until Saturday the 27th, instant, when the taker will be declared. Mr William Procter, the present tenant, will show the Premises, or James Sharrock at K McKenzies Office, Bamber Bridge. May 12th 1837
Preston Chronicle 20th May, 1837
MARRIAGES – On the 3rd inst. at the Collegiate Church, Manchester, Oliver Glover, son of John Glover, Blainscow Hall, Coppull, near Chorley, to Eliza, youngest daughter of Mr James Wilson, Old Hall, Bamber Bridge, near Preston.
The Blackburn Standard September 12th 1838
EMBEZZLEMENT CASE – On Saturday last, at Messrs Pilkington and Walker’s office, William Alfred Ascroft, alias Bill Mann, of Bamber Bridge, was examined before John Cunliffe, and TWR France Esqrs., charged by Mr Banister with having in his possession 25lbs of embezzled coloured weft, and other materials; after a very lame attempt on the part of the prisoner to account for some part of the property, he was committed for one month, on default of paying a fine of £20.
Preston Chronicle 13th October 1838
MARRIAGES – On Saturday last, at the Catholic Chapel, of St Mary’s, Brownedge, Mr Richard Ditchfield, to Eliza Wilcock, both of Bamber Bridge.
The Preston Chronicle 5th May 1838
THE NORTH LANCASHIRE DEMONSTRATION ON PRESTON MOOR – This long talked of Radical meeting came off on Preston Moor, on Monday last, but, notwithstanding the weather was most auspicious and delightful, the attendance – considering the exciting measures which had previously been taken to congregate a great mass of people upon this occasion – was exceedingly small.
At an early hour several bands of music commenced parading through the streets of the town, with the view of collecting their forces for the ‘grand display’ which was about to take place’ but the manoeuvre utterly failed, and it was not until 9 o clock that any signs of preparation worth noticing were at all visible. About that time however the Trades began to muster; the first of these, - the Independent Tailors formed a line and preceded by a band, marched through the streets, and afterwards proceeded to the Moor. This ‘bold demonstration’ soon put in motion the other trades – the Cordwainers, Bricklayers, Masons, and Weavers, who followed in rapid succession; it being reserved for the Chorley and Blackburn Patriots to form the rear-guard of the procession, in the whole line in which we noticed about eight miserably inefficient bands, and a number of ugly looking, foul and dirty, bedizened flags and banners, with nonsensical inscriptions.
The business of the meeting commenced about twelve o clock when MISTER MARSDEN, a journeyman weaver, from Bamber Bridge, was appointed chairman. The principle speakers were MR FEARGUS O’CONNOR, Mr Thomas Smith, (from Liverpool), Mr John Noble etc.
The Preston Chronicle 7th November 1838
NORTH LANCASHIRE RADICAL DEMONSTRATION AT PRESTON - ….. Richard Marsden, a hand loom weaver, from Bamber Bridge, was voted to the chair………. It was then unamoniously resolved that Richard Marsden should be sent as a delegate for North Lancashire to the National Convention, to assemble in London on the opening of Parliament. The business closed with a vote of thanks to the Chairman for his services.
The Blackburn Gazette 10th November 1838
MARRIAGES – on Saturday last, at the Catholic Chapel, Brownedge, Mr George Allison to Miss Ellen Whittle; and on Thursday last, Mr John Ditchfield, to Elizabeth Worden, all of Bamber Bridge.
The Preston Chronicle 18th May 1839
CHARTIST MEETING – On Saturday evening last, a meeting was held on a piece of wasteland at the Black Horse, near Clitheroe, which was addressed by Mr Richard Marsden, from Bamber Bridge, a member of the National Convention, for nearly two hours, explaining ‘the People’s Charter’ and what happiness it was to produce when once carried into effect, which from the explanation he gave of it, we hope will not occur in our day, nor in the day of our children’s children to the fiftieth generation. The meeting was shortly addressed by two others, and broke up about nine o clock. There were from four to five hundred persons present, the greater part of whom attended from mere curiosity. The wild chimerical notions advanced were listened to without emotion, and on the whole the subject was dull, uninteresting and profitless, and we earnestly hope the good sense of the people will eventually lead them to desert and despise them altogether.
The Preston Chronicle 22nd June 1839
MARSDEN, THE COVENTIONIST DELEGATE – This individual who has for several months been a very busy agitator amongst the Chartists, and who was chosen by a meeting of his Preston compatriots in November last, to represent them in the ‘National Convention’ is at length likely to reap the reward of his over-heated political zeal. A warrant is in the hands of the police for his apprehension, on the charge of using seditious language at a recent meeting in Newcastle-upon-Tyne. He has not yet been taken into custody, but it is scarcely likely that he will long elude the officers of justice. Previous to him taking up the trade of politician, he was a weaver at Bamber Bridge, where he has a wife and family residing.
The Preston Chronicle 17th August 1839
An article about Richard Marsden of Bamber Bridge and the Chartist movement will appear in our next update
DEATHS - On the 30th ultimo., very suddenly, Ralph Clayton, Esq., bleacher, of Bamber Bridge. The Manchester Times - 3rd September 1836
ROBBERY – On Wednesday last, the house of Mr William Barnes, innkeeper, Bamber Bridge, near this town, was robbed of twenty-five pounds, all in silver, and four five shilling papers of copper. The robbery is supposed to have been committed by two men, who called at the house in the forenoon of the same day and remained about two hours. They appeared to be about twenty-five years of age, were shabbily dressed in dark clothes, of rather slender make, and about five feet four or five inches in height, one of them had a green or blue bag containing cotton balls and other small wares. The other had a broad ribbon tied round his hat, with the ends hanging down, and had on a blue neck-kerchief. A reward has been offered for the apprehension of the depredators. The Preston Chronicle - 3rd September 1836
DEATHS – On the 5th instant, aged 73, Mr Edward Blackburn, of this town, and formerly Bamber Bridge. The Preston Chronicle - 17th September 1836
TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr A Parker, at the HOB Public House in Bamber Bridge, on Monday the 18th day of October next, the sale to commence punctually at ten o clock in the forenoon. TWELVE HORSES of various descriptions, including one capital Hackney Bay Mare, with Saddle and Bridle, and one Mare covered by Sir Peter Lely; FIFTEEN CARTS of different sorts, some with broad and others with narrow wheels, suitable for Bleachers, Farmers and for general purposes, comprising one Spring cart, nearly new, and one Stone Waggon or Lorry; also CART GEARING for twenty horses; Seven Cart Covers of various sizes; and Six Stacks of Excellent HAY, both old and new, containing upwards of 600 yards; the whole being the property of Mr Ralph Clayton, Bleacher. Terms: the whole, except the Hay, to be sold for ready money, and for the Hay, a deposit of ten per cent, to be made at the time of the Sale, and the remainder to paid on or before Feb 2nd, 1837, when the Hay is to be removed. The Preston Chronicle - 1st October 1836.
SPINNERS TURN OUT – A number of the spinners in the employ of Messrs Eccles and Bashall, at their mills near Bamber Bridge, took upon themselves, at the latter end of last week, to absent themselves without having given any proper notice authorising them to do so; in consequence of which the most active of the offenders were summoned to appear before the magistrates. The mis-guided persons belonging to Mr Bashall’s factory effected an arrangement with him and have returned to their employment; but 15 of the most refractory belonging to Mr Eccles mill were on Monday last committed by John Lawe Esq., for one month each in the House of Correction, and are now, instead of being creditably out-employed in gaining an honest livelihood by their own labour, performing the dreadful toil of the tread-wheel.
Preston Pilot 2nd - November 1836
A MAN DROWNED WHILST IN A STATE OF INTOXICATION – Last evening, an inquest was taken, at the Town Hall, before R Palmer, Esq., upon the body of David Russell, whose death was occasioned under the following circumstances – Philip Tominney, a labourer, deposed that on Monday last, the deceased, who was in his company, came from Bamber Bridge, and that in the evening of that day, the deceased was very drunk; witness was with him near to the canal, and left him in the course of the evening, the deceased saying that he was going to some lodgings. The deceased resided at Bamber Bridge. From other evidence it appeared that the wife of the deceased having applied to Mr Bannister, Superintendent of Police, stating that her husband was missing. Mr B caused enquiry to be set on foot, which terminated in the deceased being found in the canal. Verdict, ‘Found Drowned’. The Preston Chronicle - 10th December 1836
PROPOSED LINES OF RAILWAY – We have been favoured by a professional friend, who had had the occasion to examine the plans of the proposed lines of railway from this place to Bolton and Lancaster, with the following notes, in which many of our readers will feel interested
THE PRESTON AND BOLTON LINE – The line commences at Preston at the canal, and continues on the track of the present tram-road to opposite the foot-path between Mr Paley and Mr Lodge’s houses, where, diverging to the west, it takes a direct line across the Ribble valley, touching the north west corner of Mr Charles Jackson’s garden, and crossing the river about 115 yards below the Canal Company’s bridge, running through the grounds of Sir HB Hoghton on the opposite bank, and keeping east of the Canal Company’s tram-road to opposite the lime-kilns in Toad-lane, near to which it again takes the line of the tram-road, and continues that line about half a mile beyond Bamber Bridge, when, diverging west, it approaches near to the turnpike-road at Clayton Green, where there is to be a tunnel of near half a mile in length; the line afterwards crossing the old Chorley road at Radburn, runs along the valley through Whittle Bottoms, keeping east of the turnpike-road to Chorley. At Chorley the line passes near to Messrs Smethursts’ factories, and continuing on the east side of the town, crosses the valley about 300 yards east of Yarrow bridge, and the canal also near the same place; the line afterwards crosses the Bolton road at the junction of the Wigan road beyond Yarrow bridge, and continues on the east side of the old Bolton road, leaving the villages of Adlington and Blackrod about quarter of a mile to the west, and runs along the valley west of the present Bolton road, passing near to Red Moss and the Gilnow bleach-works, and, cutting down a great many houses in the town of Bolton, terminates at the Manchester and Bolton railway in Bradford-square.
The embankment across the Ribble valley, according to the section, will be 75 feet in height in the deepest part, and in no part less than 64 feet, and this for nearly one mile in length. The line from the Ribble, for nearly six miles, has one incline upwards of 1 in 150, with a tunnel in this incline 690 yards long with 70 feet of cutting at each end of it. After this summit is attained, the gradients are easy, no incline being greater than 1 in 442, and with the exception of the valley near the Yarrow, over which there will be an embankment of about 60 feet in height, there is no extraordinary cutting or embanking. The whole length of the line is rather more than 19 ¾ miles.
The Manchester Courier 17th December 1836.
DEATHS – on Saturday last, aged three years and four months, Christopher Charnley, infant son of Mr Thomas Eccles,
of Bamber Bridge.
The Preston Chronicle 5th July 1834
DESIRABLE RESIDENCE at Bamber Bridge, near Preston. TO BE LET. For a term of years (and may be entered upon immediately). All that commodious andsubstantially built dwelling house, offices and premises situate at Bamber Bridge,
late the residence of Edward Clayton, Esq., deceased, together with (if required) any quantity of rich meadow and pasture land adjoining, not exceeding thirty customary acres. For particulars apply to Mr Ward, Royle, near Burnley, and at Cuerden Hall, near Preston. Cuerden Hall, 27th August, 1834.
DEATHS – on Saturday morning last, very suddenly, Mrs Jane Lancaster, of Bamber Bridge, aged 56. The Preston Chronicle 27th Sept 1834
TO COTTON MANUFACTURES, REED MAKERS AND OTHERS, To Be Sold By Auction, by Mr T Wren, at the Warehouse of Messrs W Bashall and Co., Bamber Bridge, on Friday next, the 7th August, inst., at 3 o clock in the afternoon precisely. A large quantity of REEDS and HEALDS of 4-4ths, 9-8ths, 6-4ths and 8-4ths width, and of the usual counts at present used by manufacturers. A counting house DESK, a TRUCK, and other articles. N.B. The above will be sold in Lots to suit purchasers, and without the least reserve. Preston Chronicle 1st August 1835.
ADVANCE IN THE PRICES OF HAND-LOOM WEAVING A revival has lately taken place in the demand for hand-loom piece goods which are manufactured at Bamber Bridge, Clayton-green, and all the way to Chorley, especially in the articles of ginghams, which are light, and any body’s work, and on which an advance of 2s per piece of thirty yards has been given, with a prospect of still further improvement.
This circumstance has produced a salutary impression on the manufacturers of plain and fancy muslins, who are gradually restoring to their workpeople the wages which they have been deducting from them during the last six weeks, and who now perceive that still higher rates are inevitable. Preston Chronicle 7th August 1835
ST. SAVIOUR’S CHURCH , BAMBER BRIDGE. The interesting ceremony of laying the first stone of St Saviour’s Church, Bamber Bridge, is appointed to take place tomorrow. The vicar of Blackburn, Dr Whittaker and RT Parker Esq., of Cuerden, will take a prominent place in the proceedings.
The Blackburn Standard 27th July 1836.(Next is an account of the ceremony that took place on the following day)
Our grateful thanks go to Heather Crook of The Penwortham, Preston and Lostock Hall magazines for her painstaking research on all the above newspaper reports.
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